A showcase of my work and side projects, from web applications to open-source tools.
Hong Kong Live Time Travel Route
All-in-one live travel route planner for Hong Kong.
A basic counter allow you to tag it anywhere to count the number of times it has been visited.
Telegram Bookmarker
A Telegram bot that helps you to save your favourite links as bookmark to Notion.
Email Aliases
A Skiff Mail Quick Aliases alternative.
An enhanced splitbee’s notion-api-worker.
Chat Chat, unlock your next level AI conversation experience. Deploy your own AI Interface, all AI in one place.

Photo Gallery built with Notion, React, Next.js, tailwindcss, TypeScript, Notion-Api-Worker and more.

Blog built with Notion, React, Next.js, tailwindcss, TypeScript, Notion-Api-Worker and more.